Mayco Satin Patina, Ivy and Light Magma combo by Olga Za
Very beautiful green combo – Ivy, Satin Patina and Light Magma on Sibelco Altermasee by Polish artist Olga Za
Shoreline glaze combo By Ashley Neylon
This lidded jar mimics a seashore with a glossy blue-green top like the ocean, a white band resembling sea foam, and a textured sandy base. It beautifully captures beach vibes through its blend of textures and colors
Seashore combo by Ebrenn Biddiscombe
This handcrafted bottle features an earthy, weathered texture, resembling a relic washed ashore. Its soft beige and muted turquoise tones, combined with a porous, textured band, evoke the essence of coastal erosion. Finished with a simple cork stopper, it exudes a rustic, organic charm. Credit: Ebrenn Biddiscombe