MerakiDesigned Amaco combo mug

AMACO Smokey Merlot, Ancient Jasper, Textured Turquoise combo mug

This ceramic mug features a vibrant blend of deep purples transitioning into rich blues, creating a cascading effect down the surface. Subtle hints of gold and turquoise shimmer in the glaze, adding depth and contrast to the overall design. The interior is a soft, glowing green, complementing the bold exterior hues. The combination of these colors gives the mug a dynamic, iridescent quality, reminiscent of a sunset or aurora.

  • Clay Bmix
  • AMACO Smokey Merlot 3x
  • AMACO Ancient Jasper 3x
  • Heavy dabs of AMACO Oatmeal
  • 3 Heavy coats of AMACO Textured turquoise on the inside
  • Cone 5

Credit: MerakiDesigned

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